The first LLMF funded project was started back in 2001 with the setting up of a Community Phlebotomy Service. One of the realities of being a haematology patient is the need for frequent blood tests. When you’re feeling weak and quite unwell, travelling to Singleton for this important but repetitive ritual is a burden you could really do without. In conjunction with Swansea NHS Trust (now Swansea Bay University Health Board) this project helped finance two Community Haematology Support Workers, which meant that patients too unwell to travel to hospital could have their blood tests performed at home. When it started the service was unique to Wales, (possibly even unique to the UK). The patient’s condition could now be assessed at home and communicated directly to the ward. This made a huge improvement to patients’ quality of life enabling them to spend more time in comfort at home. It also reduced the workload of the haematology unit at the hospital. Most importantly it makes a difference to patients who are appreciative of the service provided. The project was demonstrated to be so effective that it was adopted by the Health Board and now is standard practice. Without LLMF funding this would not have been possible.