Our Projects

The monies raised by local fundraisers and  donations to LLMF since it was founded has supported a wide variety of different equipment requests and projects.

The special project funding by LLMF has made huge differences to the quality of life of so many of our blood cancer patients and their families. These projects could not have happened without our financial support in the early stages to prove the concept and demonstrate the value both to patients and the organisation.  The results of these ‘time-limited’ projects are carefully evaluated and because they demonstrate clinical benefit and cost effectiveness the Health Board will then take them forward.


Community Phlebotomy Service

The first LLMF funded project was started back in 2001 with the setting up of a Community Phlebotomy Service. One […]


Community Nursing Development Project (CND project)

The CND project is the largest funded project we have supported to date. Following the success of the LLMF funded […]

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