Get Involved
We compete for funds with National charities who may be less likely to support local needs. Funds often come from family and friends of patients, or from generous individuals who simply want to support a local charity.
Past fundraising efforts by LLMF supporters include events such as a skydive challenge, sponsored bike rides, sponsored runs and quiz evenings. For 2018 we were the sponsored charity of St Helen’s Balconiers, thereby benefiting from their fundraising at the annual cricket festival .
As LLMF is managed entirely by volunteers, almost every pound raised is used for the benefit of patients in our region of Wales.
If you would like to do a personal fund raising event maybe it would be worth considering setting up your own event web page? We are registered with Charities Trust. The benefit of using this facility is that they are a ‘not-for-profit charitable giving processing service’ with no hidden costs for LLMF. Their website provides you with an excellent facility to easily set one up.
“Sponsor Me” will enable you to receive funds directly into your own personal event account. The Charities Trust will then pass on all the donations to us when the event is complete. (They even collect the Gift Aid – if your supporter has requested that – and pass that on to us!)
Just click on: and select the “Sponsor Me” tab. This will gives you a full explanation about the facility and instructions on creating your own web page to receive donations.
Contact Us
If you have any other ideas for fundraising opportunities, or would like any further information or help please contact us using the form below, or give us a ring for a chat.
Thank you – we really couldn’t do all this without you!